Monday, January 20, 2014

The Best List of the 100 Best Children’s Books in the Last 100 Years

When the New York Public Library published its 100 Top Children’s Books of the Last 100 Years, many of the Friends of Freddy were shocked: not a single Freddy book could be found on the list.  Members wrote in on the listserv: 

“It’s a travesty.”

“Methinks it’s time for a protest.”

Others offered their opinion (not always favorable) on books that made the list, and suggested other books that should have been on it.  In response, the Friends of Freddy has decided to create our own 100 Best Children’s Books list! And we are turning to you, our august readers, for help.

Send us your list of the top 10 children’s books of the last 100 years. Do it right now!
Don’t put it off until tomorrow. Quick!  Without overmuch thought, what are the best 10 children’s books you have ever read?  Enter them in the comments below and let us know.

Here are the rules:

1) You can submit only ten.

2) Of your ten, no more than five can be Freddy books. (This is called playing fair.)

3) Deadline for submissions:  March 1, 2014 at midnight.

We will compile the results, weighting them in some mysterious mathematical way that I don’t understand, but Kevin Parker does, and we will publish the list in the next issue of the Bean Home News. If you would like to see the New York Public Library’s List it can be found at this link:

Thank you in advance for your participation in creating our own list!