Saturday, July 27, 2013

Freddy the Librarian

My Favorite Library Contest


Freddy the Librarian

Have you read Freddy the Librarian? No? Neither have I, but you can bet he would have made a great one!  In honor of National Library Week, the Friends of Freddy are initiating “My Favorite Library.”  Send in a brief essay praising your favorite library, and feel free to include a photo or two. Then the members of Friends of Freddy will vote online for the best entry.  

The library selected as the winner of the My Favorite Library Contest will receive:
   - three Freddy books*

   - a copy of  The Art of Freddy

   - a copy of Talking Animals and Other Friends by Michael Cart

The person submitting the winning entry will receive their choice of two Freddy paperbacks.

*If your library already has all of the Freddies, we will donate the books to another local library of your choice, or a selection of other Freddy-related titles will be donated to your library.

Contest Deadline has been extended to May 31 Labor Day (September 2), 2013.

Submissions and inquiries should be sent to Kevin Parker at . 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

My Favorite Library: Worden Public Library, by Anastasia Curtis

Dear Friends of Freddy,

My name is Anastasia Curtis. I'm ten years old, and I'm going into 5th grade. I live in Worden, a small town of around 1000 people. I'm glad we have a library. Many towns around us don't. We can order books from bigger libraries at ours. Our library does a book fair once a year, outside. I can walk to the library, and it's always fun to walk to the Post Office, then to the library, and then to the park.

Our library has a good selection of books that I like, like the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew. If we bring the younger kids, the librarian lets them color. Kindergarten, first, and second grade at my school go to the library every Wednesday. The children's librarian reads them a book, and then the kids can pick a book from the wide selection of children's books, including many of Dr. Seuss's works. I like our little library, and I hope we can get some Freddy Books.


Anastasia Curtis

(Last from the Curtis family--thanks again! Rebekah AKA Mom)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

My Favorite Library: Harrisburg (IL) Public Library, by Silas Curtis

Dear Friends of Freddy,

My name is Silas Curtis and I am almost nine years old. My favorite library is the Harrisburg (IL) Library because the books there are very easy to find and because they have the kind of books I like. We go there because it is close to where we camp in southern Illinois. That is why I like the Harrisburg Public Library.


Silas Curtis